Meetings are held at Mugs ICOT every 4th Tuesday at 6:30...WE ARE GROWING!
Meetings are held at Mugs ICOT every 4th Tuesday at 6:30...WE ARE GROWING!
Chris Gleason, Army veteran, business man, and fearless whistleblower exposing government corruption and leading the charge to ensure that every vote is accurately counted. Since 93% of voters believe there should be no cheating, we ought to feel confident our votes will count – no matter which Party you identify with. Once elected, Chris Gleason will do everything in his power to be the transp
These are mostly highly knowledgeable data professionals, all America First MAGA, who are fighting an uphill battle to win back our elections on a local, county-wide level. This slate represents 20% of the entire state of Florida. Five of them are left after the Primary and could sure use your help
restoring our election integrity if elected. They need HELP!
Please share link below . .
Check out this article by The Gateway Pundit on the Pinellas Watchdogs' endorsed Slate of America First Supervisor of Elections from 11 different counties in Florida!
The Slate was put together by our own Founder, Cathi Chamberlain, and it is really making some news!
This Slate gives Floridians a unique opportunity to make real changes in our state elections processes if enough of them can get elec
On Tuesday, May 8th, Constitutional Sheriff Richard Mack spoke about the importance of speaking to your sheriff about your rights. Empower law enforcement officers, elected representatives and the public to uphold and preserve the civil rights of all Americans, protecting civil liberties. LINK to video below.
Did you know "RED" Florida has Red Flag Laws? These are laws that can and will be used against any American that shares a different view than the federal government in control. If you are deemed a "threat to yourself or others", these laws make it possible, in fact probable, for your 2nd Amendment gun rights to be taken away. Think I'm kidding?
Pinellas Watchdogs once again brings an important message to their members but you can do the same. The Sheriff Mack event in Pinellas County can be found at ... he'll be teaching our residents how to safeguard our Constitutional rights even if our local Sheriffs don't. For more information about each event or upcoming events, Call the CSPOA's (Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association) Florida State Director Bill Mitchell at (909) 260-8804 or email him at: ... You can find more at:
This has to be one of the most outrageous stories I've heard about a Supervisor of Elections yet. What's most shocking isn't even that Kim Barton, Alachua County's Supervisor of Elections in Florida had a staff member register felons to vote while they were incarcerated, as though that isn't enough. She got no punishment whatsoever and yet they got added sentences.... When SOE candidate for Alachua County Judith Jensen told me that story I didn't believe it at first. But after speaking with her and doing a bit of research, I knew it was true... if Barton is willing to register prisoners to vote and gets no reprimand, what's stopping her from signing up illegal immigrants by the literal "boat loads?"
Dave Schaffel builds a compelling case why Florida has a major problem within our Supervisor Elections offices from the top down. He says from the Secretary of State Cord Byrd on down to every county SOE, the fix is in as they all parrot the UniParty's official line that 2020 was "the most secure elections in our history". Dave Schaffel vehemently disagrees and his statistical analysis proves it.
Are our current SOEs even qualified for such a data-intensive job? How do they know what the numbers are telling them about our elections? Why are the voter rolls still so packed with many questionable voters that make our elections more vulnerable? Find out all that and more here.
If you want to make sure there is transparency and accountability in Florida elections, you've got to start with the Supervisors of Elections (SOE). That's where public records are kept...and, released if you can afford it. That's because most of the 67 SOEs charge so much for Public Records Requests that We the People can't afford to see what's REALLY going on. What are they hiding?
Tom Vail is one of a handful of candidates brave enough to step up and challenge one of those entrenched SOEs. Lake County needs to pony up and get behind this well-qualified candidate. Anyone else can donate too and that's what he says he needs the most.
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